


    16W-/W, E27, Daylight 8719514420717 Find similar products
    • Enhanced plant growth in a beautiful white light




      8719514420717 Find similar products

      Philips LED Plant Grow lights not only optimize plant growth but also provide a beautiful, natural look for your plants. Full Spectrum White - the perfect color spectrum for growth and natural color. See all benefits


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    Enhanced plant growth in a beautiful white light

    Ideal Spectrum optimizes plant growth and provides a natural light

    • Light that shows true colors

      Light that shows true colors

      See the true colors of your clothes when you select an outfit from your wardrobe – you can pair a red dress and red shoes with confidence and be sure the colors match perfectly.

    • Long life bulb - Lasts up to 50 years

      With a lifetime of up to 50,000 hours, you can reduce the hassle of frequently replacing your light bulbs, and enjoy a perfect lighting solution for over 50 years.

    • Enhanced color spectrum

      The perfect color spectrum to optimize plant growth while displaying your plants with a beautiful and natural look. Blue wavelengths help promote plant and vegetative growth.

    See all Specifications